A Very Special Offer From James
Just when I thought I wasn’t going to create another full length CD, all these songs just came to me in a burst of energy. I had to record them and now I am thrilled to present the new James Lee Stanley CD.
It is called the Apocaloptimist.
By combining the word apocalypse with the word optimist, I got the perfect title (thanks to Gene M). The idea being yes, things look grim, but I believe things will work out in the end and all the music reflects that.
And the artwork harkens back to the day when covers were actual art. I LOVE this package and these songs.
It took me fully two years to realize this music and now it is finally completed and will be released in October, but I wanted to do something special for you people that have been in my corner lo, these last several decades, so here is what I came up with:
To the first 500 folks who order the CD, you will find a special booklet included (only 500 of this special edition are being made), a surprise and a special download link (with a bonus song only for this special edition) so that you can instantly have the music even before the CD is manufactured.
What I decided to do is make both the limited edition CD/with booklet and the immediate full CD download plus bonus song link available for $25 with free shipping and handling.
And you will have the CD a full two months before it is released to the general public.
So all I need now is for you to click here.
Will you help me make this a CD heard round the world, whaddyasay?
Order the Special Edition Right Now Click Here