James Lee Interviewed on the Nowman TV Show
Niswander came over and did this fun interview with me. Hope that you enjoy it. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#inbox/150165a85d72621f?projector=1
Niswander came over and did this fun interview with me. Hope that you enjoy it. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#inbox/150165a85d72621f?projector=1
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mike-ragogna/the-apocaloptimist-chatti_b_6294870.html A Conversation with James Lee Stanley Mike Ragogna: James, you called your new album The Apocaloptimist. Why are you so optimistic about the Apocalypse? Why, James, why? James Lee Stanley: Mike, thank you for the time. By way of clarification, you seem to have misconstrued my intention with the word “Apocaloptimist.” MR: Oh, no…hate when […]